All influential people have something in common: they can spread ideas faster and better than anyone else. We are aware that following these people has a handful of perks, including staying on top of the latest news and trends. Therefore, we decided to concoct a list of Twitter accounts all Java fans should follow. The analysis ranks the top accounts in accordance with their social influence, although interestingly enough, not all household names of Java evangelists are on the list. Nevertheless, we are very proud of the list that we came up with.
This year we really looked for the right combination of quality content, social credibility and a strong voice in the community. There are some big names in the software development world many of us probably know of and some of them do have a wide reach in in the Twittersphere, but we were looking for the ones who make a change today, the movers and shakers of Java in the social world in 2019. We decided to save the honorary spots for two names we are sure anyone in the Java community appreciates, though we didn’t add them to the infographic so we could really focus on the grassroots level of the Java network.
Congratulations to all influencers who made it into our Top 20 list. Click on each username to visit their Twitter accounts or the list on twitter. Below our detailed list, you find our methodology and insights how we created the ranking.

internet wheelbarrow. redmonk co-founder, sunshine in a bag, industry analyst meets developer advocate, “quite motivating in a surreal kind of way”. he/him

I drink coffee for your protection. Director of Developer Advocacy at @Lightbend.

Brazilian Immigrant ?????? DevRel & Java Champion, promoting great developer tech to the world. Now #Java ☕️ @Microsoft #Azure. Prev. @OracleDevs.

Developer Advocate at @Google for @GoogleCloud during the day, and @ApacheGroovy programming language project co-founder & PMC member, @java_champions at night

Runner, Author, Father, @menkag hubby, Java Champion, J1 Rockstar, JUG Leader, Minecraft, Docker Captain, Devoxx4Kids, DevRel, work @awscloud, opinions own …

Opinions expressed here are my own, not those of my company. They made me write this because I complain about Inbox going away so much.

Developer, @Atomist. Panelist, @greaterthancode. Tweets are mine, licensed CC0. she/her

CEO @clever_cloud IT automation and application sustainability for node, scala, java, php, python, docker or ruby apps + DBaaS… Build and update apps faster

Spring Developer Advocate @Pivotal Check out for my Patreon, books, podcast, screencasts, and Livelessons masterclasses ??

programmer, author, speaker, founder Agile Developer, Inc., creator of , professor of CS at U of Houston

How many DBA to change a lightbulb? One to many. Will tweet about all things #Java, #SQL, and #jOOQ. My views usually select from tables.

Chief Sticker Officer @JFrog (also, ? of Dev Rel). Co-author of #LiquidSoftware. DMs are open, so don’t hesitate.

Software Architect | Developer | Author of Software Architect’s Handbook

@Java Champion working on @Hypersistence Optimizer, database aficionado, author of High-Performance Java Persistence

Java Champion, @jugmilano coordinator, Drools project lead @RedHat. Tolerable husband and embarrassing dad at Fusco family (you cannot be good at everything)

JVM Performance Whisperer, Benchmarking Geek, Concurrency Tarpit Dweller. Developing OpenJDK at Red Hat. Opinions are mine only. IRC: shade at OFTC.

Enjoy #Java , #programming #algorithms #spring #coding blogs @javarevisited @ and

Fellow at @INNOQ . Software Architecture. Technology. Learning every day. He / his ?
We first generated a list of twenty thousand Java-related Twitter accounts (including all accounts that contain the keyword Java in their bio or in any of their tweets.)
To score the account and rank them accordingly, we analyzed their social authority and reach using two key metrics: MozRank and Kred.
Moz Social Authority Score: Social Authority score is composed of:
- The retweet rate of users’ last few hundred tweets.
- The recency of those tweets.
- A retweet-based model trained on user profile data.
Visit this MOZ blog post for more in-depth information.
Kred Score: Kred Influence Measurement, or Kred, is a website created by PeopleBrowsr that attempts to measure online social influence. Read more in the Kred scoring guide.